Become The Ultimate You With These Easy Journal Prompts


As a personal development copywriter, journaling has been a game-changing tool for my personal and professional growth. 

You might be wondering…

Why do all the top performers rave about the benefits of journaling?

Or, you might think…

Journaling seems so simple and childish. It won’t do anything.

Trust me, I get it. I still remember my third-grade Zac Efron journal that I carried everywhere. But, I promise this is not like your childhood diary. 

There are huge benefits to making journaling a regular practice in your life and there’s strong scientific data to back this up.¹

A few benefits of journaling include:

  • Improved mental health

  • Increased self-confidence

  • Stronger memory

  • Reduced stress

 Who doesn't want all that?

Often there’s that feeling of resistance when you think about sitting down to write. 

But trust me, nothing beats the feeling of pure bliss after even a short writing session.

From experience, after just 6 weeks of incorporating journaling 1-2 times per week, you’ll feel:

  • More limitless leading you to attract more amazing opportunities 

  • More connected to your highest self which helps you make better decisions and have stronger relationships

  • More confidence stepping into any situation

  • More excited about life which results in noticing more beauty that’s already around you

Even after falling in love with journaling and making it one of my core self-love and personal growth tools, I still notice feelings of resistance.

In order to help you get started, I’ve compiled a list of prompts that help you put pen to paper. Once you begin, the words will flow out and you’ll feel AMAZING. 

Journal Prompts For Self-Love

Do you also find yourself criticizing and doubting yourself some days? 

The things we say to ourselves are often crueler than what our biggest enemy would say.

These journal prompts over time, help heal poor self-image and insecurities. Begin to heal your inner child and realize how beautiful and powerful you truly are! 

Here are journal prompts that feel uplifting and you’ll find yourself legit smiling while writing:

  • Describe yourself through the eyes of someone you love.

  • What is something your younger self would be surprised about you now?

  • What are three things you are proud of recently?

  • Who do you admire? What qualities do they have that you would like to embody?

Sometimes getting outside your normal thoughts and shifting your perspective can change the way you view yourself.

Journal Prompts For Abundance

When you’re flooded with overwhelming thoughts that tell you you’ll always have to struggle, come home to your journal to shift your perspective.

These journal prompts for abundance adjust your energy so you’ll feel the difference:

  • If I was living my dream life, what would it look like?

  • If I was living my dream life, what new beliefs would I have?

  • If I knew that whatever I write down now, will become my reality in three years, what would I ask for?

  • How does it feel to imagine my dream life as a reality?

Approaching life with feelings of abundance helps you show up differently and even changes your energy so you attract more of what you want

Journal Prompts For Gratitude

If we aren’t paying attention, our brains often automatically think negative thoughts. 

Most of us are so used to the negativity that we don’t deeply understand what it feels like to live a life of joy.

Practicing gratitude is a super effective way to retrain the way you think to experience more joy in every moment:

  • What am I thankful for about my body?

  • What am I thankful for about my mind?

  • What am I thankful for about the people/ pets in my life?

  • What small daily task or ritual am I thankful for?

Retraining your brain to look for the beauty around you and to focus on things you’re grateful for will completely shift your mood so you experience more joy. 

Journal Prompts For Reflection and Gaining Clarity

Growth starts from reflecting on past choices and experiences. 

This helps you make informed decisions about the future YOU, you want to be.

I experience long-lasting changes in the way I show up when I keep a record in my journal of:

  • Something that has resonated with me this week is… (For example, an inspiring podcast, insightful book, or conversation with someone you love)

  • Recent things I am doing to better myself have been…

  • What is a lesson I’ve learned recently?

  • Based on my current daily choices, where do I see myself in three years?

  • How have I changed this past year? How am I wanting to change this upcoming year?

Writing these down helps you feel clear about life and leads you to show up more intentionally in any situation.

Journal Prompts For Living Aligned With Your Highest Self

In order to step into your desired future, it helps to write down what is going right and what you want to carry with you into the future. 

These journal prompts flood you with positive, loving emotions so you feel more excited about life:

  • When do I feel most like myself?

  • What things inspire me?

  • What do I need more of in my life?

  • When did I last feel truly alive?

Becoming clear on the things that bring you joy and bringing all those emotions to the surface during your journaling session, will guide you to step into the life you’ll love to live!

Implement Journaling Into Your Lifestyle

When implementing any new ritual or practice into your schedule, you have to decide what works best for you. 

Are you looking for a way to start your morning feeling your absolute best, ready to launch into a beautiful, productive day?


Do you already have a strong, impactful morning routine and are looking for a way to settle down and better yourself in the evenings? 

Whenever feels right, schedule a journaling session with yourself. Even just 10 minutes. Put it in your calendar, and hold yourself accountable. 

Your future self will love you for it ❤️

¹Journaling for mental health. Journaling for Mental Health - Health Encyclopedia - University of Rochester Medical Center. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2023, from 

Looking to dive deeper into your personal development journey?

Check out my blog for more helpful resources on how to live as your best self.


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