The Surprising Result of Romanticizing Your Life
Romanticizing life is a simple, yet thrilling practice of actively choosing to enjoy your life to the fullest and soak in the beauty around you.
In short, it’s a state of presence. A way of moving through your daily life feeling like the main character of a movie, consciously aware of the miracles in your experience at every moment.
Knowing that the Universe is always working in your favor provides a perspective shift that automatically makes your life more fun!
Now, instead of dragging yourself to your morning coffee, you might glide with an extra pep in your step. You’d be mindful of how luxurious your coffee looks, tastes, and smells. Savoring that micro-moment and relishing in the pleasure.
By using this mindfulness practice daily for one year I’ve experienced massive benefits. It causes you to naturally start operating more from your heart which opens doors for more miraculous opportunities to find you.
By playing this fun game of co-creation with the universe, I now notice synchronicities and attract beauty that I never did before. Instead of my plain, boring walk around the block, now I’ll spot a new flower that I’d never noticed before and it forces me to stop and admire in awe. Or I’ll experience butterflies leading my path, making me feel an extra boost of support as I move through my day — as if I’m receiving a sign that I am on the right path.
To give you a better sense of how this shift in perspective impacts overall well-being, below I share three very specific and unexpected ways that romanticizing my life has improved its overall quality:
No Longer Experience FOMO
Romanticizing my real life has made me release feelings of jealousy and unworthiness.
Now whenever I see those perfectly pictured girls trip photos on social media, I can see the reality. It’s like a movie set, beautifully curated to look a certain way for the purpose of selling products.
It might not even be fun or full of the meaningful connections that I have in my real life. I know this from a micro-level experience where I’ve gone on vacations, posted photos that looked insane, but the reality was not fun. I was uncomfortable in the location, squeezed into tight quarters with people I didn’t want to be around, and feeling absolutely unwell from heavy drinking and unhealthy travel food.
By romanticizing your life on a daily basis, you gain perspective.
You are no longer living for that once or twice a year big vacation that you end up putting so much pressure on for being the thing that makes your life amazing. That approach will always leave you feeling let down and less than. The trip is never as romantic as you build it up to be in your head… unless you are in the practice of creating magical experiences no matter where you are.
So rather than putting all your dreaming into that one moment out of the year, dream and experience the beauty of your day to day life now.
2. Daily Life Becomes Your Pinterest Board
Yes, take that photo of your morning coffee where the milk perfectly forms into a heart.
Stop and look closely at the flowers on your walk.
Breathe deeply and notice that your real life is aesthetic if you just curate it to be so.
I used to think that influencers had a special, more beautiful life than me because they know how to capture it so artistically. As someone who used to swear that my phone camera had a vendetta against me because the photos turned out so terribly whenever I was the one doing the clicking, I get that you don’t need to be a professional photographer or creator to capture beautiful snapshots of your life.
As I started taking more photos, I started getting the hang of how to capture the essence of the real-life beauty around me.
Now I try to put together a collage every Sunday full of mini moments I’ve captured throughout the week. I put the collage into a template on Canva that makes it look like Pinterest.
My weekly collages make me so happy and whenever I scroll through them I get to see how beautiful and aesthetic my normal life really is.
3. Lost Interest in Spending Money on Materialistic Items
Romanticizing your life makes a massive difference in the way you feel and experience joy.
Because of this, I’ve realized that buying the outfits, makeup, and even trips that the influencers on social media show off does not make me feel full of life.
What does are experiences.
Cooking gorgeous meals, meditating & connecting with my heart, spending time in nature searching for miracles, having powerful conversations with people I love, and cuddling up with a good book. Those things make me feel ALIVE.
Instead of focusing on what to buy, focus on how to create more moments of true, meaningful connection. I’ve seen this trend where people turn their home into a mini cafe and invite a friend over for a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning. That is a romantic, soul-nourishing experience.
You can also host a dinner party or schedule a hike with a friend.
These moments create more joy than any fancy purchase.
Curate the Soundtrack of Your Life
Romanticizing your life is about creating moments rather than waiting for them to happen to you.
Being intentional about the background noise of your life is a great place to start. I noticed that whenever I’m left to my own thoughts, without consciously directing them, I’ll be deep in an imaginary argument with a family member or running a stress loop about all the things I need to do and don’t have time for.
Those thought patterns ruin the vibe and make life so much less enjoyable.
Instead, put on instrumental music while you’re cooking dinner, focus enhancing frequencies while you’re working, and an inspiring or laugh out loud podcast interview while taking a shower or doing the dishes.
Using background noise to bring your attention to the joy of what you’re doing is a great way to snap your attention to high-vibe thoughts.
The more you are aware of your internal thoughts, the easier it becomes to shift them to the uplifted, romanticized, living version of you.
Level Up With Journal Strategy Sessions
Having strategy sessions with yourself is a powerful way to intentionally design the ideal vision for your life. By feeling the excitement of living out your dream you begin moving forward with more clarity and innerstanding about how every experience you have now is leading you to where you want to go.
To do this, turn on a manifestation frequency like this one, then start writing:
“My dream day looks like…
First I wake up in the morning and I…”
The more detailed your description, the clearer your vision and the stronger your momentum!
I also love writing about my life years from now. For example:
One year from now I will be… (What does your family look like, your job, your relationships, your home, etc.)
Then do the same for 3 years, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years… However many years you want! Just have fun with it.
Journal strategy sessions are a fun way to tap into your desired vision so that after, you can feel more excited about where your current actions are leading you.
You do not need to worry about dreaming too big or planning things out that future you will change their mind about.
Being specific based on what you want now will lead you to the exact experiences you need to become your highest self at every stage of life.
Go Out and Practice
Now that you know the power of romanticizing your life, it’s time to experience it for yourself.
Nature is the easiest place to practice romanticizing your life because you will find miracles everywhere. Also, nature’s healing soundtrack is always already playing for you.
It’ll be that bird that seems to be chirping your name. That flower that you’ve never noticed before and looks like it’s covered in natural glitter. Or the way a hummingbird swoops in and seems to say hello…
Miracles are everywhere and being present to relish in the divinity of it all makes for a life that feels too good to be real. But in that state of conscious awareness, you’ll see that it is truly the only thing that is real.
If you want more ideas on how to spot daily miracles or to connect with my journey further, drop your email below to be a part of our bi-weekly newsletter.
Sunday self-C.A.R.E. is sent out every other Sunday with my favorites of the week: what I’m Cooking, Art I’m inspired by, books I’m Reading, and what I’m Enthusiastic about 👇