Become Unrecognizable: Simple Practices to Completely Change Your Life in 90 Day

Skin to Earth living free as your true self

For 23 years I lived at the mercy of everyone else’s emotions and thoughts about how I should live my life. Some might call this, living on autopilot.

I never wanted to rock the boat or be an inconvenience so I absorbed all the negativity around me and pushed it away—numbing with food, alcohol, and mindless TV.

I had no idea that I could feel vibrant and ALIVE instead of lifeless as I go through the motions.

When you’re living on autopilot, chances are there are many things you dislike about yourself. 

You criticize your appearance, you doubt your abilities in the workplace, you lack the confidence to go after the partner you want…

My discomfort inside showed up physically as weight gain, digestive issues, skin breakouts, and debilitating anxiety.

So how did I break free from this toxic lifestyle and become unrecognizable to everyone who ever knew me?

My numbing behaviors and people-pleasing tendencies kept me from forming a relationship with my true self.

Once I cleansed the toxic and woke up, I reconnected with who I truly am. And it became impossible to hate myself. 

Your emotions become your guiding light so when you feel good about who you are, there’s nothing in your way.

When you’re around people who don’t feel good, it becomes alarmingly obvious and now you trust yourself enough to listen to your intuition and make choices that serve you.

You no longer need to confide in friends and family about your life choices because no one knows you like you.

In fact, when you become unrecognizable, many family members and friends aren’t going to like it. People like predictability and when you begin behaving in a way that's unfamiliar, it makes people uncomfortable.

That’s okay.

The only person you need to please is yourself and when you live in alignment with the Universe and in relationship with your true self, the people who prefer you small and agreeable have got to go. 

Or they just need time to get on board. 

Either way, it’s not your responsibility to hold yourself back in hopes of people accepting you.

It’s your duty to show up in this world as the you, you came here to be.

Take note of the people who approach your changes with curiosity and seek to understand and get to know you now, not holding onto the version of you they thought they knew.

Those are your people. Welcome conversations with those who seek to understand and trust that you know what’s best for you. Anyone who truly loves you wants to see you happy and thriving.

In just 90 days, I went from an unhappy shell of a human to an embodied, whole person who FEELS incredible and looks physically better than ever.

So how did I do it?

I’ll tell you, I didn’t listen to what I was told about fitness, diet, and beauty practices. That’s what got me in the mess in the first place…

All my problems disappeared once I started simply living and enjoying my life.

The confidence I gained from changes in my physical appearance felt so good, that I wanted to learn more. 

I practiced listening to my desires and following my good feelings and it gave me mental peace and self-confidence to go after the life I dream of.

I don’t have to play small. I don’t have to be afraid of failure or of what others think of me.

When I do anything from a place of love, good feelings, and alignment, everything that happens benefits me.

6 Practices to Become Unrecognizable: Physically

There are 6 daily practices I implemented that changed my physical appearance drastically.

Every single practice is either effortless or completely enjoyable.

If you have the perspective of… I HAVE to do this… I HAVE to do that… Then tomorrow I HAVE to wake up and do it all again… 

You are living a lifeless existence on autopilot, tackling unenjoyable tasks because the people around you say you have to.

If you feel called out right now, don’t worry. That’s the mindset I lived in for most of my life and here’s how I got out of it…

  1. Move Your Body For the Purpose of Enjoying Your Body

Before I dropped 20 pounds and got the physical body I desired with basically no effort… I had the limiting belief that…

“You have to punish your body in the gym in order to have the body you want.”

The funny thing about that is I did stay consistent with my excruciating workouts 5-6 days a week, yet, I continued to gain weight…

This misalignment made me hate my body more, thinking I had to work as hard as I could, and even then it wasn’t enough.

I’d wake up before the sun to run 3 miles… Hit the weights at the gym late at night after working a 16-hour day and being a full-time student… 

The stress and exhaustion told my body it could never relax…

The frustration from seemingly doing it all and still not seeing results directed negative energy towards my body.

This created the opposite result of what I was working so hard to achieve. In times of complete hopelessness, I turned to binge drinking to numb my discomfort.

In a drunk state, I’d lose control and binge eat, waking up the next day filled with shame and guilt.

The cycle of self-hate and punishment continued until…

I connected with my body during a yoga class.

I closed my eyes as I matched my breath to my movement. I fell into a deep flow so much so that I lost track of time.

A 30-minute class felt like 3 and I was hooked. I wanted to do more. I wanted to feel that feeling of pure bliss and flow.

That was it. 

I canceled my gym memberships and committed to starting my day, every single day with a yoga flow. Whether I do just 10 minutes or a full hour, rolling out my mat first thing in the morning became a non-negotiable.

Less than 90 days later, I looked in the mirror and saw myself in the exact body I’d always dreamed of.

Moving my body for the sole purpose of feeling good allowed me to relax and absorb all the beautiful benefits of movement to naturally achieve the physical body I desire.

2. Nose Breathing

Growing up I heard the term “mouth breather” tons of time and knew it was an insult. 

But somehow, it never once dawned on me that I should pay attention to my own breathing and… not breathe through my mouth.

Our noses are designed to filter the air we breathe which improves immunity. Nose breathing is also linked to increased athletic performance and improved metabolic health.

Practicing nose breathing where you exhale longer than you inhale gives our bodies the signal that it’s safe to rest and digest.

Mouth breathing puts you in a constant stress state which can contribute to mental health challenges.

As a former mouth breather, I can share that I suffered from anxiety, panic attacks, digestive issues, and trouble sleeping.

I’d wake up with drool on my pillow almost every morning and sometimes snored—clear signs of mouth breathing.

Once I started taping my mouth shut before bed, my sleep drastically improved. I fall asleep instantly, stay asleep the entire night without snoring, and wake up feeling refreshed.

Sleeping with mouth tape also improved my oral health—waking up with better breath, insane compliments during dental checkups, and no drooling.

Breathing through your mouth also weakens your facial structure and can hinder jaw development. 

For my entire adult life, every time I went to the dentist and was asked to bite down… I was met with gasps as the dentist stared in disbelief.

I had braces as a child, but once all my adult teeth grew in, my bite was completely off. I’ve seen many different dentists and they all say the same thing… I need complete reconstructive jaw surgery.

Since I’ve been consciously nose breathing during the day and mouth-taping at night for over a year, I’ve noticed my facial structure change and look more attractive.

At this point, dentists still say I need the surgery, but it appears that with time, things are improving naturally.

So yes, I’m saying that since I’ve started nose-breathing day and night I:

→ Improved my immunity and metabolic health (Haven’t gotten sick once and my health is better than ever)

→ Experience less stress and anxiety

→ Improved my sleep and am receiving all the beauty and health benefits of optimal sleep hygiene

→ Improved my oral health (no bad breath and a prettier smile)

→ Improved my facial structure resulting in a naturally more beautiful face!

When I said I became unrecognizable, I wasn’t kidding.

3. Eat From Nature

Most of us have been or still are victims of the toxic food systems and diet culture in our society. You try your best and listen to “experts” who demonize certain foods while putting others on a pedestal.

Think about the rise and fall of kale…

One day kale is everything and you can’t have a healthy body without kale juices, kale salads, kale chips, kale cupcakes… 

Then before you know it… Kale is BAD for you! It carries toxic heavy metals. Your body can’t digest it easily. You can’t be healthy if you do eat kale…

Ahhhhh! Confusing! 

We’re trapped in the cycle of trying our best, then learning that everything we’re doing is wrong. 

It’s a complete scam that our food system creates to scare people into spending money on certain “cheap to make” foods, diet books, and weight loss programs.

None of it works to help you achieve the body or health of your dreams because it creates stress and fear that blocks your body’s ability to digest what you consume.

It wasn’t until I…

→ Ditched all the diets and restrictions

→ Stopped telling myself I can’t eat garlic and onion because I have IBS… (I don’t. That diagnosis is just what doctors tell people when they don’t understand how your emotions impact your body’s ability to digest)

→ Ignored all the “experts” and trends surrounding health

→ And began loving my body and appreciating its ability to thrive without my effort

That’s when I realized how easy it is to feel amazing.

All I had to do was focus on feeling good and enjoying my food. Taking a moment to thank my food for its ability to nourish me. And slow down while eating to savor the taste and smell.

All of that instinctually turned my body on so it could perform how it’s designed to.

Once I started to truly savor my meals, I realized that eating processed foods didn’t feel right.

Now that I’m in tune with my body and nature, I naturally want to fuel myself with natural foods, from this Earth that my body is also from.

Food prepared in restaurants no longer tastes as good because I notice the chemical, unnatural feel from the way they prepare it—whether that be that it was cooked in highly processed seed oils or it was sitting in a steaming plastic box before it got to me.

I crave my own loving touch on all my food. I crave food that is as close to its natural state as possible.

I started shopping at farmer's markets and got meat from the meat counter so it’s as close to the Earth as possible.

I started my own garden and make my own bread and pasta.

There are no food groups that should bother your stomach. The reason people have so many problems with digestion is because of the way food is mass-produced with chemicals and pesticides, or because they’re stressed out, mindlessly consuming when their body is not in a rest and digest state.

I never thought I’d be someone with complete food freedom after so many years of suffering, but it is completely possible when you cleanse away all the addictive man-made substances and tune in to what your body deeply desires.

4. Love Your Body

Every day when we go out in the world to live our lives, our systems are flooded with unnatural toxins. Our bodies are strong and resilient so they have a system to clean it out.

Not long ago, I had no idea about the lymphatic system and how I could help it cleanse the toxins out of my system through massage.

Practices like dry brushing and gua sha are all over the internet and they look luxurious and nice…

But in your busy day to day life, it doesn’t seem important because you don’t see immediate results.

I’ve found that over time, once I did implement dry brushing every morning before getting the shower and gua sha my face every morning after putting on my moisturizer, it truly made a difference.

My body doesn’t hold onto bloat and inflammation anymore because I have these consistent practices to clean it out.

Your energy is a huge factor in your health. And your health is a huge factor in your desired physical beauty. 

Taking the time to admire and show love to my body with dry brushing, gua sha, and self-massage created a beautiful ritual that seamlessly fits into my morning routine. 

Your body will respond with love by feeling lighter and more vibrant.

5. Natural Products

You can’t control everything in your life, but you can control what you allow and use in your home.

We talked about how important it is to eat food that’s as connected to nature as possible and the same goes for the rest of the stuff you consume…

I’m talking about what you soak in through your skin and what you breathe in the air.

Lotions, soaps, makeup, cleaning supplies, candles, toothpaste, perfume, the material your clothing is made of…

All of these things your skin or your breath are drawing into your body.

Choosing natural, chemical-free products that are made from ingredients found in nature is key to your body's ability to thrive as it was designed to.

When you flood your system with chemical products, it’s overrun and can’t possibly release all the toxins it wants to.

This leads to bloat/inflammation, acne, illness, and poor mood.

Checking the ingredient list on the back of your products is just as important as it is for your packaged food.

There are great natural companies who focus on working with nature and creating beautiful products from the Earth.

But whenever you can, try to limit what you consume. Instead of using a natural body oil or lotion I just use coconut oil on my body. It has the same nourishing results with just one natural ingredient.

Freeing my body from chemicals helps it work as it’s meant to and I can feel the difference.

6. Ditch the Doctor, It’s All in Your Mind

You read this far so… Are you ready for a controversial one?

Western medicine is a scam created to make billions off of desperate people.

Let me preface this with the obvious… Of course, I know hospitals and doctors are necessary for emergencies and they are incredible at saving people’s lives who have suffered a horrible accident, like a car crash.

But when it comes to illness and disease, our mindset and nature are far more powerful in keeping you well.

Doctors are trained to prescribe medicines that have no benefit to your health, only side effects. And they do it to cover up a symptom without ever discovering what the root of the problem is in the first place.

Once I stopped running to the doctor for every stomach pain, headache, or small virus… I learned that my body knows how to heal.

If I nourish and love my body in all the ways we’ve discussed thus far, I won’t have these problems because my body is in optimal shape.

If something does come up, say a cold or a bladder infection… I know that I’m doing something that is not serving my body. Then I figure out how to get in balance.

Usually, it’s a mindset. If I’m experiencing a lot of stress and pushing it away instead of dealing with it, an illness might arise. 

That's my body’s signal telling me that it doesn’t like what I’m doing and it wants me to reconnect with myself.

Once I slow down, take time to breathe deeply, go on walks in nature, and get quality sleep, the illness will clear up on its own.

Yes, this can be angering for someone who’s had a horrible disease because I am telling you that you created it yourself…

But to me, it’s empowering. My body knows how to heal and as long as I take care of myself, then I will have thriving health.

If this perspective is new to you and seems completely insane, I encourage you to take some time with it. 

I wasn’t fully on board with believing it either until I learned more from different people and experienced how much healthier I’ve been since implementing this approach.

Become Unrecognizable on the Inside: Shift Your Energy for the Better

Now that you are loving and caring for your physical body, you feel amazing, energized, powerful…

Just those 6 practices for physical health will shift your mindset drastically and boost your confidence.

However, thriving mental health is the key to a joyful life.

So even though you’re confident in your body and thriving physical health, what do you do to support your mindset all the time? Like a stressful workday, family disagreements, traffic, and all those sticky moments that are just part of the human experience…

Here’s how to build unshakeable peace no matter what’s going on…

Set the Mood

It’s easy to adapt to stressors in your environment when things are viewed as the norm. That’s just how it is, so you get used to it…

The problem is that our body still notices stressors even if they’re so small you consciously don’t register them.

If you set up your room to appeal to all your senses, your mind will feel free to focus on what’s important.

This means, noticing the little things and making your space your sanctuary. 

If you can get natural light from a window, it boosts your mood, whereas artificial lighting can create irritation and discomfort.

If you play calming instrumental music, frequency sounds, or a meditation with affirmations, it’ll decrease stress.

If you’re at home cooking or cleaning, instead of letting your mind run through the same negative thought loop it does automatically, shift your attention to an inspirational podcast or feel-good dance music.

Open windows to get fresh, clean air inside, and use essential oils to naturally infuse a smell that brings you joy and comfort.

The little swaps to set the mood in whatever environment you’re in subtly make a drastic impact on your overall mindset.

I remember working in a classroom and just feeling on edge, irritated, and desperate to go home. Artificial lighting, no fresh air, so much emotion and energy, loud noises… all contributed to my rising stress.

Your home is the easiest place to set this up and notice the shift in your mood. Then think of the places you spend most of your time outside your home… work, the gym, a friend’s house…

See how you can bring in natural light, calming noise, and natural smells so you can show up as your best self no matter where you are.

Get Grounded

Nature is the most powerful healer.

If you’re in a bad mood, go outside for a 10-minute walk and immediately notice the shift.

Get skin-to-earth contact to reset your energy field and recenter.

The more time you spend admiring nature and immersing yourself in it, the more you’ll notice how much you love your life.

I never thought I’d be the girl who gets chills everywhere while on a simple walk outside. It’s because the more time you spend outside, the more you feel the loving, supportive energy.

Nature gives you that feeling of purpose in life that everyone seems so desperate to find.

It’s not a difficult mission or lifelong dedication to a certain career…

Our purpose here on this Earth is to just be. 

Just be with yourself and acknowledge that you are connected to everyone and everything natural.

When you find that peace and purpose, your life makes sense. You lose the need to engage in pointless drama or stress.

You find that you have everything you need and you are supported in everything you want to do here.

This is where you find true peace and no one and nothing can break it. 

You love the person you are and you’ve shed the image of the person you thought you were supposed to be to become the person you truly are.

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